Project 11: Written Assignment from field trip to Fountain Street Fine Art

Begin while at gallery on April 20
Due as part of Portfolio 2 on May 4


On Wednesday, April 20, we will visit a local art gallery, Fountain Street Fine Art, located at 59 Fountain Street in Framingham, approximately 2 miles from campus. For directions, visit the gallery’s website at; their phone number is 508-879-4200.

The morning class will meet at the gallery at 9 AM; the afternoon class will meet at the gallery at 3 PM.

We will meet inside the entrance door to the gallery; please do not go to our classroom on campus.

Bring a notebook, pen, and this direction sheet.

First we will be given a tour of the exhibit on display inside the gallery. Then you will select two works of art to refer to for the project and take whatever notes you need.

The field trip will also include a visit to an artist’s studio located in the same building as the gallery.

The morning class can expect to be finished at approximately 10:30 AM; the afternoon class can expect to be finished at approximately 4:30 PM.

If for any reason you miss this field trip, you will be marked as absent for the day AND you will be responsible for visiting the gallery on your own and completing the project as assigned.


Select two (2) of the artworks on display in the gallery, and answer the following questions about them. Each answer must be a carefully considered, clearly developed thought consisting of at least 3 complete sentences. Answer all 10 questions separately for each artwork.

Give the title of the artwork and the name of the artist who created it, and respond to the questions below:

1.         Describe the artwork in detail.

2.          Rename this artwork, and explain why you would give it this title.

3.         Describe the sounds you would expect to hear in the background of this artwork.

4.         If there is a person visible in this artwork, what might that person say to you, and what makes you think this? If there is no person in this artwork, what might a person who “lived” here look like and what might they say to you?

5.         What are the main colors in this artwork, and why do you think the artist used these colors?

6.         What is the overall mood of this artwork, and what about it creates this impression?

7.         What idea or concept do you think the artist wanted to communicate with this artwork?

8.         What do you think this artwork reveals about the artist’s life, and what matters to her/him as a person?

9.         What would you ask the artist about this artwork, if you could meet her/him in person?

10.         Why did you select this work of art to write about?

This project must be printed out and turned in as part of your portfolio. Hand-written or emailed projects will not be accepted.


Responses to all questions are imaginatively considered and clearly expressed.
Each answer consists of three complete sentences.

Effort spent on project.